Dependable Solar Shingles In San Antonio By USA Home Roofing & Exteriors

What Are Solar Shingles And How Do They
Work For Your San Antonio Home?

Your Guide To Energy Production With
Residential Solar Shingle Systems

When you hear the words “solar power,” you likely think of large solar panels attached to a roof or lined in a field. However, there is an alternative option – solar shingles for your San Antonio home.

The technology is still relatively new, leaving many in the dark about solar shingles and how they work. You may think turning toward a more eco-friendly roofing option means you can only have unsightly rack-mounted solar; however, solar shingles provide a sleeker solution.

This guide presents all the information you need about solar shingles and how they work. If you’re interested in implementing solar energy in your Bexar County home, this information is essential.

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What Are Solar Shingles?

Solar shingles are a relatively new technology first commercially available in 2005. Because they are fully integrated into your roofing system, they present a significant advancement over traditional solar panels that can damage your standard roofing materials and void your warranty.

During the installation of your new asphalt shingle roof, solar shingles are embedded into the roof, replacing some of the shingles. This makes them more suited to a new roof than trying to retrofit them to an existing roof.

Once installed, they function as solar panels and roofing materials. However, they don’t stand out like solar panels. Instead, they seamlessly blend into the other roofing materials, making them hard to distinguish from a distance.

This design makes solar shingles a sleek upgrade from older technology. Additionally, their durability is much greater than you may expect. They often outlast standard roofing materials and can withstand some of the harshest weather we see in San Antonio.

As with most standard asphalt shingles, solar shingles are rated to withstand winds up to 130 mph, making them dependable and durable. You won’t have to worry about hail or heavy rains because they are impact-resistant and hold up better than many other options.

How Do Solar Shingles Work?

The material within GAF Timberline solar energy shingles is a semiconductor. So, when sunlight hits this material, it releases a flow of electrons. The solar shingles then harness this flow to convert the solar energy into electricity.

This process is the same as that of solar panels and is called the photovoltaic effect. While solar shingles and panels function much the same, their installation and efficiency differ.

Because panels are a rack-mounted solar solution, they can be adjusted to receive maximum sunlight exposure. On the other hand, solar shingles are limited in the amount of sunlight they can receive based on the design of your roof. This is due to their physical integration into the roofing system.

What Timberline Solar Energy Shingles Have To Offer

When compared to rack-mounted solar options, a Timberline solar roofing system has a lot to offer. The primary benefit that most homeowners are drawn to is the beauty and aesthetic appeal it offers.

Because the shingles are installed as part of the roof, there is no glaring difference between the solar shingles and standard roofing materials. Your roof will have a sleek, beautiful appearance.

In addition, they have a leg up on solar panels because they’re much more durable. They’re specifically designed to handle inclement weather that could severely damage panels. You won’t have to worry about hail or strong winds.

Trust Your Local GAF-Certified Roofers
For All Your Solar Shingle Needs

At USA Home Roofing & Exteriors, we take the time to determine exactly what our customers need. This ensures we deliver excellent results you’ll love for decades. When it comes to solar roofing, you need an expert. We’re GAF-certified contractors who take the time to do the job right every time.

We turned to the GAF brand because of its high reliability and exceptional warranty coverage. It’s only the best for our Bexar County homeowners, nothing less. So, when you’re ready to embrace a more eco-friendly lifestyle with solar shingles for your San Antonio home, turn to the local pros. Call USA Home Roofing & Exteriors at 726-215-6766 to schedule your consultation.

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