Man painting wall green with paint roller

DIY Exterior Painting Vs. Hiring A Professional
For Your New Braunfels Painting Project

Understanding The Costs And Consequences

It isn’t every day that you decide to refresh your home’s exterior – or interior – with a fresh coat of paint. But before you run off to your local home improvement store and start selecting paint samples and rollers, there are a few things to consider before starting your New Braunfels siding and painting project. 

If you’re like most homeowners, you may know how to do a few home improvement projects on your own, without help from professionals. 

But when it comes to painting, you might want to slow your roll. Both exterior and interior painting are time-consuming tasks that require precision and expertise – more than the average homeowner has. 

Don’t jump into a project only to lose steam shortly after starting, with a partially-painted house in front of you. At USA Home Roofing & Exteriors, we want homeowners to know how important it is to hire professional painters for your siding and painting project in Comal County. 

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Costs Between Hiring Professional
Painters And A DIY Project

Money is usually at the top of the list when it comes to the reasons homeowners decide to DIY their painting project. After all, you don’t have to pay labor, and the paint is reasonably priced at your local hardware store. 

However, how much money are you actually saving? 

Because most homeowners don’t have the skill levels needed to pull off a high-quality paint job, there will likely be smudges, paint bleed, and uneven coating. Plus, you’ll need to purchase the paint and equipment yourself. 

Professional Painters Complete The Job
Much Faster Than Doing It Yourself

One of the major benefits of having professionals complete your interior or exterior painting project is the time. Professional painters complete countless painting projects each week and can do them smoothly and efficiently without mistakes. 

When you DIY your painting project, you have to find the time within your already busy schedule to complete your painting. Who wants to come home from a long day of work to spend time prepping for painting or sacrifice your entire weekend painting just to have to fix countless mistakes? 

Professional painters will help you reclaim your time and not worry about the outcome. Choosing a professional painting company like USA Home Roofing & Exteriors will ensure top quality and a tight deadline. No need to leave half-finished painting projects lingering for months. 

Differences In Quality Between Professional
Painters And DIY Painting

The paint and supplies found at your local hardware store aren’t as high quality as those carried by professional painters. This means you’ll be paying to redo the paint job before too long, as the paint will likely chip, fade, and wear down only a few short years after its application. 

Choosing The Right Paint Color: Professionals Vs. DIY

With so many colors to choose from for your home’s exterior or interior, the process can feel – at times – overwhelming. However, professional painters will usually guide you in your search for the perfect paint color and give you information about how to find the right color, such as your home’s architecture, landscaping and surroundings, and more. 

When you’re DIY painting, however, you’re on your own. If you choose a color only to find it’s not what you envisioned, you’re stuck with it – or the costs of redoing the job. 

Professional Painters In New Braunfels Usually
Guarantee Their Work With A Warranty

When you make mistakes painting your own home’s exterior or interior, you’re stuck to either deal with them or pay more for paint, supplies, and time to fix them. 

This isn’t the case with professional painters. Most painters back their work with a solid warranty, meaning your project is covered in case anything were to happen. 

Get The Best For Your Painting Project
With USA Home Roofing & Exteriors

If you’re like most homeowners, your house is the most significant investment you’ll make. Our teams of professional painters are experienced, patient, and dedicated to a job well done. 

If you need superior painting services for your Comal County home, don’t wait! Call us today at 210-935-8444 to get started!

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